Your Nearest Rugby Grounds

Looking for your nearest rugby grounds? You've come to the right place! Enter your address below and we'll search through our database of over 1,000 stadiums to show you which grounds are nearby.

Rugby grounds near me


How to find rugby grounds near me

Our website contains the location of over 1,000 different rugby grounds from all over the world.

If you're looking for grounds nearest your home, or somewhere to groundhop on holiday, we have the stadium for you.

How to find your nearest rugby grounds

Simply pop your address or post code into the form above and we'll search through all of our grounds to find which is closest to your location. You can enter part of your address or use the "current location" button to see which grounds you are closest to right now.

Customising your results

Only want to see big grounds? Only want to travel a short distance?

Not to worry, we have you covered - simply select the options above and we'll only search for the biggest grounds or within your desired radius.

How can I list the grounds I've visited?

You've come to the right place - that's exactly what Rugby Ground Map is all about! Logged-in users will be able to see which grounds they've already "ticked off". New users can sign up and create their own map - it's totally free to do and is quick and easy.

Having trouble finding your nearest ground?

Try to be as specific as you can with your address - for the best results enter your street name, city and postcode.

If using the "current location" feature, make sure you allow your location to be shared (your web browser will prompt you to give permission).

Worried about your privacy? Don't be - we do not store any location details.

Ground missing?

If you've noticed a ground that's not on the website, please get in touch to let us know - we want to grow the database even more and we're always adding new grounds.
